Everything You Need to Know About Personal Accident Insurance Coverage

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you met with an accident and became disabled? Or what if you suffered severe injuries that required long hospitalization? Personal accident insurance can provide financial support in such difficult times.

This comprehensive guide will explain what personal accident insurance is, what it typically covers, and why you need this policy.

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

Personal accident insurance, also known as accident insurance or accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance, provides financial protection in case of death, disability, or injury resulting from accidents. It pays out a lump sum amount to support you and your family during the recovery period.

Unlike life insurance which pays upon death from any cause, personal accident insurance specifically covers death or impairment from accidents only. The insurer will pay the sum insured or a percentage of it as per the policy terms.

This coverage is especially useful for individuals in hazardous professions like construction, mining, offshore work etc. But even regular office-goers can benefit from accident insurance as accidents can happen anywhere.

What Does Personal Accident Insurance Typically Cover?

A personal accident policy commonly provides the following protections:

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

If an insured individual dies in an accident, the insurer pays the full sum insured to their nominee. Dismemberment or loss of limbs and senses are also covered, with payments being a percentage of the sum insured.

Typical coverage includes:

  • Accidental death - 100% of sum insured
  • Loss of two limbs - 100%
  • Loss of one limb - 50%
  • Loss of fingers - 10% to 50% depending on how many fingers
  • Loss of toes - 20%
  • Loss of sight in both eyes - 100%
  • Loss of sight in one eye - 50%
  • Loss of hearing in both ears - 75%
  • Loss of hearing in one ear - 30%
  • Loss of speech - 50%

So if you have a ₹50 lakh sum insured and lose a leg in an accident, you will receive ₹25 lakhs (50% of the cover amount).

Permanent Disability

Beyond dismemberment, permanent disability is also covered under personal accident policies. There are two types:

  • Permanent Total Disability (PTD) - This pays the full sum insured if the injury causes complete, incurable disability. You can no longer work or lead a normal life.
  • Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) - For partial loss of physical function, a percentage of the sum insured is paid based on the degree of disability. For example, loss of 4 fingers on a hand may lead to 30% disability payout.

Do note that insurers have specific definitions on what constitutes total vs. partial permanent disability. So read your policy wordings carefully.

Temporary Disability

Temporary inability to work due to accident injuries is covered through weekly cash benefits:

  • Temporary Total Disability (TTD) - The insurer pays a fixed weekly amount if an injury wholly prevents you from working temporarily. This helps replace lost income during recovery.
  • Temporary Partial Disability (TPD) - If you can work partially and have reduced earnings, the payout is a portion of the weekly benefit based on the income loss.

Typical policies pay weekly amounts for 104 weeks (2 years) from the date of accident. The payout depends on your income and sum insured selected.

Additional Covers

Apart from death, dismemberment and disability, personal accident policies also reimburse:

  • Medical expenses - Up to a certain limit, ambulance fees and hospital expenses are covered if resulting from accident injuries. Room rent, ICU charges, surgery costs, diagnostic tests etc. are included.
  • Ambulance costs - Transportation expenses for moving the insured to the hospital by ambulance are covered. Some policies even cover air ambulance up to a certain limit.
  • Cumulative bonus - For every claim-free year, your sum insured increases by 5% as bonus. This incentivizes prudent policyholders.

Other additional covers may include physiotherapy costs, home modification allowance, child education grant etc. depending on the insurer.

Why Do You Need Personal Accident Insurance?

While accidents can happen any time, the financial implications can be more devastating for the breadwinner of a family. Here are some key reasons why personal accident insurance is a must-have:

1. Replace lost income

If disability or death makes you unable to earn, your family experiences a significant income shock. Personal accident insurance provides a lump sum payout to maintain your lifestyle.

2. Cover treatment expenses

Injuries like fractures may require multiple surgeries and long hospital stays. Treatment costs can deplete savings quickly without adequate insurance.

3. Provide financial security

A large payout gives financial security to dependents in case of untimely death of the breadwinner. It covers their living expenses, education costs and more.

4. Supplement workplace insurance

Group insurance from your employer provides limited cover. Having a personal accident policy guarantees higher coverage for you and family.

5. Cover disabilities

Disability care and assistive equipment is expensive. Disability payments from insurance give financial support during recovery and rehabilitation.

6. Enhance existing policies

Personal accident insurance enhances protections from motor insurance, employee insurance and other standard policies.

7. Peace of mind

Knowing that your family will be financially secure even if you meet with an accident helps you lead a stress-free life.

What is Not Covered by Personal Accident Insurance?

While personal accident policies provide extensive protections, some exclusions apply:

  • Death or disability from sickness is not covered, only accidents.
  • Hazardous occupations or activities may have limited or no protection depending on insurer rules.
  • Pre-existing diseases leading to enhanced disability or death after an accident are excluded.
  • Mental illnesses like trauma, depression arising from an accident are not covered.
  • Adventure sports injuries usually have limited cover or need special add-ons.
  • Self-inflicted injuries, drug/alcohol abuse and criminal acts are excluded.
  • War, radiation, pregnancy and unsafe conduct are some exclusions too.

As policies vary, check exclusions carefully before buying personal accident insurance. Also look for optional add-on covers like adventure sports.

How Much Personal Accident Insurance Do You Need?

Your ideal personal accident cover depends on:

  • Income - Those earning well need higher coverage to maintain family's standard of living if disabled
  • Age - Coverage should be maximum when dependents are young and reduce as they become independent
  • Liabilities - Higher loans, expenses and kids' education goals call for larger sum insured
  • Lifestyle - People in dangerous professions or activities need bigger covers for adequate protection

A general rule of thumb is to opt for a sum insured equal to 10 to 15 times your annual income. Also consider existing insurance like employee coverage when deciding the ideal amount.

How To Buy Personal Accident Insurance?

Buying personal accident insurance is easy. Here are some tips for purchasing the right policy:

  • Compare plans across insurers to get the best features and premiums.
  • Buy online for faster processing and premium discounts.
  • Opt for adequate sum insured - underinsuring leaves you vulnerable.
  • Carefully assess inclusions like cumulative bonus, adventure sports etc.
  • Evaluate exclusions and optional covers before deciding.
  • Pick longer policy tenure for lower premiums. One to 5 years are common.
  • Add family members as co-applicants for comprehensive coverage.
  • Answer proposal questions accurately for speedy claim settlement.


Personal accident insurance is highly valuable in these uncertain times where accidents can cause long-term hardship. It provides comprehensive coverage against death, disabilities and treatment costs due to accidents.

Ensuring adequate protection for yourself and family through personal accident insurance gives tremendous peace of mind. This allows you to live life fully without worrying about potential financial problems.

Consider this a must-have risk management tool and discuss suitable covers with an insurance advisor today. Stay safe and secure your future!

Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Accident Insurance

Confused about what personal accident insurance covers and how it works? Here we answer some common queries to help you make an informed decision.

What events are covered under personal accident policies?

Personal accident insurance covers death, disabilities, or injuries arising due to accidents only. Any condition resulting from sickness or disease is excluded from coverage. Policies also do not cover self-inflicted injuries, unsafe behaviors, or pre-existing medical conditions that get aggravated after an accident.

How is the claim amount calculated in case of dismemberment?

For loss of limbs, senses, speech etc. the policy pays a fixed percentage of the sum insured. For example, loss of one hand qualifies for a 50% payout. Losing sight in both eyes makes you eligible for 100% of the sum insured. The policy document defines the exact percentages for different types of dismemberments.

What treatments are covered under personal accident insurance?

Medical expenses such as hospitalization fees, ambulance costs, surgery charges etc. are covered up to the limit stated in your policy. This reimburses the costs incurred to treat injuries arising from the accident. But diagnostic tests, physio and other treatments for existing illnesses aggravated after the accident are excluded.

How can I get the maximum claim amount from my personal accident policy?

The maximum claim is the full sum insured, payable in case of accidental death or permanent total disability that wholly prevents you from engaging in any work. To get the maximum claim benefit, make sure you opt for adequate sum insured - at least 15 times your annual income is recommended.

How long does it take to receive claim payment after an accident?

Insurers process and approve claims within 7-15 days of receiving complete documentation. Once approved, the claim amount is paid out within the next 5-7 working days. So you can expect to receive your personal accident insurance claim proceeds in about 2-3 weeks from reporting the accident.

What are the tax benefits of personal accident insurance?

Premiums paid up to ₹25,000 annually qualify for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. This helps reduce your taxable income. Moreover, the claim amount you receive is completely tax-free with no upper limit. This makes the payout even more valuable to deal with accident costs.

We hope these answers help you understand personal accident policies better. Ensure you read your policy document carefully to know exactly what is covered under your specific insurer's plan. Consult with an insurance advisor to determine adequate coverage for your unique needs and financial goals.
